Tag Archives: human nature

12 Profound Truths

13 Nov

One of my favorite classes in college, was not a design class at all, but rather my Organizational Behavior class.

As part of the class, the professor had a list that she shared with each class every semester called the Twelve Profound Truths. Some of these statements are simply observations of life, while others give advice for how to navigate it. Regardless, I thought these were good to share. Enjoy!

Twelve Profound Truths

  1. Sometimes things are simple but not easy.
  2. Perspective changes everything.
  3. Insecure people behave badly.
  4. Don’t sell you credibility cheap, because it’s incredibly expensive to buy back.
  5. Never stay in the room with an elephant.
  6. Surprised people behave badly.
  7. Always go with the highest, best use.
  8. Lead strong.
  9. Handle your “stink” pile first.
  10. The size of the problem is directly proportionate to its ability to produce growth.
  11. Reality is your friend.
  12. All you ever have to do is the next right thing.

Hopefully, at least one of these truths inspired you.

Personally, I like the last one the best — all you ever have to do is the next right thing. When you think of life as just a series of “the next right thing” it makes it sound much easier.